congolese franc造句
- In Burundi and Rwanda, the Belgian Congolese franc replaced the Rupie in 1916.
- Many foreign businesspeople, forced to buy overvalued Congolese francs, have left the country.
- Business is conducted in both U . S . dollars and Congolese francs.
- Today, the economy has collapsed and the Congolese franc is losing value every week.
- The currency was replaced at par by the Congolese franc.
- Students want the fees reduced to around 19, 500 Congolese francs ( dlrs 60 ).
- Then he might add something extra in Congolese francs, which are valuable only in sackfuls .)
- It replaced the Congolese franc at par and was consequently initially equal to the Belgian franc.
- Students want the fees cut in half, to around 19, 500 Congolese francs ( dlrs 60 ).
- Some were so hungry they dug up cassava fields, leaving Congolese francs as payment in the dirt.
- It's difficult to see congolese franc in a sentence. 用congolese franc造句挺难的
- As governor, Jean-Claude Masangu Mulongo pioneered the launch of Congo's new currency, the Congolese franc, last year.
- Even the Belgium Congolese franc was accepted currency in Chipungu area itself, as it was in Pweto.
- Young recruits make as little as 1, 450 Congolese francs _ less than $ 10 _ per month.
- New recruits make as little as 1, 450 Congolese francs ( less than dlrs 10 ) a month.
- The fuel is later sold for 250 Congolese francs ( dlr 1 ) a liter from roadside stands.
- Several people said they had been paid 7.5 Congolese Francs ( dlrs 1.5 ) to attend the rally.
- About 24, 000 students attend Kinshasa University, where annual fees cost 40, 625-48, 750 Congolese francs ( dlrs 125-150 ).
- The authorities found bundles of Congolese franc notes tied to the divers'bodies with twine, Rwandan navy officer Firmin Bayingana said.
- About 24, 000 students attend the university, where annual tuition costs 40, 625-48, 750 Congolese francs ( dlrs 125-150 ).
- The Congolese franc, which replaces Mobutu-era currency, has lost 80 percent of its value since it was established a year ago.
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